Posts by Date
Fear of Looking Dumb
“Your fear of looking stupid is holding you back.”
RuPaul Charles 30 June 2017
Jekyll Tag Cloud
Building from Thursday’s post, an alternative method for displaying tags by count had occurred to me: the classic “tag cloud”. Displaying tags in a list (or, ideally, within a bunch or a circle) with the font size of the tag representing visually the relative importance of a tag to the blog compared to other tags. It accomplishes the same goal as a simple ordered-by-post-count list (showing what you care about), but it’s visual and interesting.
Read moreTags Organized by Count (Size)
Jekyll is blog-aware and it runs on Liquid (plus Markdown, HTML, CSS, etc.). Liquid is a templating language, not a fully-fledged programming language. Jekyll+Liquid can make a great website/blog, but sometimes things to a little haywire.
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I’ve taken a shot at coding for Jekyll a couple of times in the past, but never have I done it so completely as I have now to almost avoid hardcoding anything except on layouts and includes.
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Getting things to do exactly what I wanted them to do took up a huge portion of the day, but it was actually a really simple solution in flexbox. I don’t know why I’m so resistant of it. I guess I just feel like everything should work in grid – flexbox feels hacky.
Read moreDo Not Repeat Yourself
I’m a slow coder. That’s fine at the moment – it’s not my day job and no one is paying me to do it. I enjoy going step-by-step and seeing the results and tweaking this and that. What I despise doing, though, is over-coding.
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