Designing with Liquid
I’ve taken a shot at coding for Jekyll a couple of times in the past, but never have I done it so completely as I have now to almost avoid hardcoding anything except on layouts and includes.
It always reminds me of when I was young and used to have a Xanga (shed a tear for Xanga) or Blogger for that matter. I’d try to figure out a template for it and at 14, I just wasn’t ready for XHTML. I could tweak some minor things, but mostly I’d end up breaking it and reverting.
Liquid seems fairly intuitive and has actually been straight up useful in some cases. I might write more in-depth on this when I’m done with the obsessive stage and have a moment to just enjoy the product.
Site update: No screenshot today as not much has changed from that perspective, but behind the scenes, there are a lot more links working and pages generated for categories of posts, etc.
Post by Josh on 15 Jul 2020.
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